Types of Storms and What to Look For
10/21/2019 (Permalink)

Lightning strikes are 50,0oo°Fahrenheit, which is five times hotter than the surface of the Sun. That’s a terrifying fact knowing how often these strikes hit the surface of the Earth. While cool storm videos are cool to watch, it’s less fun when the storm we’re watching is headed our way. There are many types of storms that can affect our lives. The most common types of storms include: thunderstorms, hail storms, blizzards, tornadoes, floods, and hurricanes. Each storm can make itself obvious from the formation of the sky when it occurs. For example, a thunderstorm often presents itself as an anvil shaped cloud at first, low and flat at the bottom while standing tall. An easy way to tell it’s a blizzard and not just regular snow is the visibility. Blizzards lessen the visibility for at last three hours, usually longer. Hail storms can present a variety of danger as the hail itself can be as small as peas and as large as watermelons. While larger hail can have more powerful damage, crushing cars, roofs, windows, etc, small hail can also break windows and create holes in roofs. Fortunately, storms may cause inevitable damage to our homes but not irreversible damage. Storm damage assessments are not hard to receive, especially from specialists like your local SERVPRO of East Dayton. It can be fun to know more about types of storms when we’re aware of how close a storm damage professional is, and how easy it is for a company like SERVPRO to return our home as if the damage never occurred.